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    陽光 | 凡特西雅全球數位課程

    ?筭ola! La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la ?稐dentro! (Leggo, leggo, leggo, leggo) Toda mi vida fue as??tanto te busqu??hasta que llegaste con esa boca que Dios te ha dao' Ni obliga' podr?朦 dejarte Las ganas de ti me devoran los segundos de todas las horas Tus dos lucero son to' lo que quiero Sin tus ojos azules me muero. Ven y besame mucho el mundo no importa la noche comienza, no, no, no pares ahora La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la Porque yo siempre te llevo La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la ?稐dentro! (Leggo, Leggo) De to' lo que existe llano y profundo, lo que m?龍 yo quiero en este mundo es estar a tu lao' noche y d?朦 es as??como vivir?朦. Las ganas de ti me devoran los segundos de todas las horas Tus dos luceros es to' lo que quiero Sin tus ojos azules me muero. Si de veras me quieres como yo te quiero ven b?臃ame ahora y b?臃ame luego. La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la conmigo siempre te llevo La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la ?稐dentro! Ven y b?臃ame mucho el mundo no importa la noche comienza no pares ahora (Hola, hola, hola, hola) La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la ?稐dentro! (leggo, leggo, leggo, leggo)
    Feb 21, 2018
    1 min read
    Yo soy un ni?瓨. 右 say 用 理你喔
    Feb 21, 2018
    1 min read
    ?駺o? 右 我
    Feb 21, 2018
    1 min read
    el nino e 尼鈕
    Feb 21, 2018
    1 min read
    el hombre 烏龍不類
    Feb 21, 2018
    1 min read
    la Mujer 拉 母黑兒
    Feb 21, 2018
    1 min read
    安全起見還是多找一些像是「West Nile Virus Thrives in Cali」 的文件來分析 West Nile Virus 搭配 Thrives 的用法。 https://www.globalhealthnow.org/2015-04/west-nile-virus-thrives-cali 注意,thrive in the conditions 從廣義面看病毒滋生的條件似乎 等同疾病擴散。但狹義面看總覺得哪裡怪怪的。例如「這隻雞」長得跟好 不代表「這隻雞的雞蛋」很好 更精確說,我不確定 West Nile (病) 的普及,是否可用 West Nile Virus Thrives (該病的病毒很活躍?) 來表示。
    Feb 11, 2018
    1 min read
    論學測英文題旨爭議:45 題目答案是 (B) 還是 (C) 看題旨「What is this passage mainly about?」,的確是「全文理解」, 題幹就有強調「mainly」。僅有選項C符合文章提到的所有內容訊息。(中央社) 但中央社翻譯的「西尼羅病毒及其滋生的條件(West Nile and the conditions its virus thrives in.)」的中文看似正確,但 West Nile and the conditions its virus thrives in 在解答時,可能有很高的 機會被當成「西尼羅病,以及『西尼羅病病毒的滋生條件』」。為什麼呢? and 是個對等連接詞,連接2個名詞。第1名詞 West Nile 第2名詞 conditions; West Nile 在第1個名詞位置很明顯不是指 West Nile virus,否則後面無法 形成對應的所有格 (its virus,會變成「西尼羅病毒的病毒」,語意不合)。 所以 West Nile 在 and 前只能單獨譯為「西尼羅病」,後面的 its virus 位在 conditions 之後,譯為「西尼羅病病毒的滋生條件」。 但 and 連接的並不是「『西尼羅病與西尼羅病病毒』的滋生條件」,而是 專指「西尼羅病病毒滋生條件」,後位修飾的「the conditions in which its virus thrives」意思是西尼羅病病毒在「什麼條件下會」thrive。 更清楚的說,(C) 答案談的是「西尼羅病病毒」而不是「西尼羅病」對照原文: Why was the summer of 2012 so hospitable to the West Nile virus and the mosquitoes that carry it? Blame the weather. An extremely mild winter allowed more mosquitoes than usual to survive, while the unusually high temperatures in that scorching summer further increased their number by speeding up their life cycle. 嚴格來說,這段在談西尼羅病病毒的滋生條件嗎?(the conditions its virus thrives in) The economic crisis may have also played a role: Homeowners who were not able to pay their bank loans were forced to abandon their properties, sometimes leaving behind swimming pools that made excellent mosquito breeding ground. 嚴格來說,這段在談西尼羅病病毒的滋生條件嗎?(the conditions its virus thrives in) The severity of tropical diseases is also a matter of whether governments are capable—and willing— to defend their populations against infections. Dallas County was not doing some of the key things to slow the spread of West Nile, such as testing dead birds and setting mosquito traps to test for the presence of the disease. Tropical infections are thus as much related to government inaction as they are to climate. 嚴格來說,這段在談西尼羅病病毒的滋生條件嗎?(the conditions its virus thrives in)
    Feb 11, 2018
    1 min read
    第 45 至 48 題為題組 West Nile is a tropical disease that begins in birds, which pass it on to mosquitoes that then go on to infect human beings with a bite. Most people who contract West Nile do not experience any symptoms at all, but, if they do, symptoms typically develop between 3 to 14 days after a mosquito bite. About 1 in 5 persons suffers fever, headaches, and body aches, usually lasting a week or so. A far less lucky 1 in 150 experiences high fever, tremors, paralysis, and coma. Some—especially the elderly and those with weak immune systems—die. 這段沒有講政府效率或什麼的 That is what made the major outbreaks of West Nile in the U.S. in the summer of 2012 so scary. The situation was particularly bad in Dallas, Texas, where the West Nile virus killed 10 people and sickened more than 200. The city declared a state of emergency and began aerial spraying of a pesticide to kill the mosquitoes, even though residents argued that the pesticide could be more dangerous than the disease. 這段講到「這個城市宣佈緊急狀況」,並開始處理如空中噴灑滅蚊劑 Why was the summer of 2012 so hospitable to the West Nile virus and the mosquitoes that carry it? Blame the weather. An extremely mild winter allowed more mosquitoes than usual to survive, while the unusually high temperatures in that scorching summer further increased their number by speeding up their life cycle. The economic crisis may have also played a role: Homeowners who were not able to pay their bank loans were forced to abandon their properties, sometimes leaving behind swimming pools that made excellent mosquito breeding grounds. The severity of tropical diseases is also a matter of whether governments are capable—and willing— to defend their populations against infections. Dallas County was not doing some of the key things to slow the spread of West Nile, such as testing dead birds and setting mosquito traps to test for the presence of the disease. Tropical infections are thus as much related to government inaction as they are to climate. 因此,熱帶感染與政府不作為和氣候有關。 45. What is this passage mainly about? (A) West Nile and methods to fight it. (B) West Nile and governmental efficiency. (C) West Nile and the conditions its virus thrives in. (D) West Nile and its relation to tropical diseases. 由於這是考題,坦白說不需要也無法考慮「Time 原文」,也不能考慮作者 的原意,只能用考題解考題 the conditions it virus thrives in thrive ├ grow or develop well or vigorously └ Prosper; flourish.
    Feb 10, 2018
    1 min read
    最近我很愛「Oxford Dictionary」,因此就用 Oxford Dictionary 當範例 來進行翻譯。若我需要進行更準確的「翻譯」,我通常會仔細的對照到底 「解說中的哪一個」匹配原來的句子,舉例來說 can ┬ 1 Be able to │ ├ 1.1 through acquired knowledge or skill │ │ 例句: I can speak Italian. │ │ 我會說意大利語。 │ ├ 1.2 Have the opportunity or possibility to. │ │ 例句: there are many ways holidaymakers can take │ │ money abroad │ │ 度假者有很多方法可以把錢帶到國外 │ ├ 1.3 Used to indicate that something is typically │ │ the case │ │ 例句: he could be very moody. │ │ 他可能會很喜怒無常 例句由 Google 翻譯進行翻譯,而也會發現 Google 翻譯將 can 翻譯為 「會、可以、可能」,如此 Flying planes can be dangerous. 飛行中的飛機會有一定的危險性。(can = have the opportunity to) 駕駛飛機會有一定的危險性。 我一直記得這件事。今天才有空回覆,我不確定我翻的好些。但如果真的要 針對單字進行特別解析,我會去找 Oxford Dictionary,然後把單字的詳細 意思做成樹狀圖,然後找樹狀圖裡面意思能與句子裡的意思匹配的,然後再 試著找到比較符合字典解說的翻譯方式。 希望有幫上你的忙。
    Feb 09, 2018
    1 min read